When he was on the cross, Jesus said seven words. Each of his words has marked the history of the Church and the faith of thousands of people over the centuries. Let us meditate on them dear brothers and sisters because, these are the words of the one who changed the face of the world by his unlimited love.
1st words:
(Luke 23:34) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” A prayer to his Father for those who crucified him. When we are faced with people who do not love us or who make us suffer, can we pray for them and forgive them?
2nd words:
(Luke 23:43) “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” A promise to someone who suffers as much as he does.While we are suffering ourselves, are we able to share God’s promises to others?
3nd words:
John (19:26-27) “When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to his disciple, “Here is your mother.” A concern for his mother. While we are facing difficult situations, do we have respect and concern to honor our parents, our families and our loved ones?
4nd words:
Mathew (27:46) “My God, my God why have you abandoned me?” The cry of anguish of Jesus while he is carrying the sin of the world, and when God has turned his gaze from him. Jesus is alone. We are sometimes abandoning God and turning our back on him, does not Jesus have the same scream of anguish toward us?
5nd words:
John (19:28) “I am thirsty.”!
Jesus is human…until the end. Jesus said these words in order to fulfill an Old Testament prophecy. This shows us a thirsty human, Jesus fulfilled his mission until the end; he will not drink the rest!
6nd words:
John (19:30) “It is finished!” A scream of victory! If we stopped for a moment to think about everything that happened for Jesus to reach this scream of victory, it makes us stun. Yet he went till the end, out of love. Are we able to evaluate the importance of this sentence?
7nd words:
Luke (23: 46) “Father, I entrust my spirits into your hands!” The last prayer to his father. What an intangible moment is that, to join the Father and the Holly Spirit in peace.
Ep (3:18) “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Truly your love surpasses all that we have known, if all people spend all their life to express their gratitude towards you, it will never be enough.